Friday, June 26, 2015

Totdat We Terug, Nederlands

As I write, June 19th, we plan to leave the Netherlands shortly, heading for Belgium and then France. We had planned on spending two weeks in Nederlands, sightseeing, outfitting and testing the new (to us) camper while it is still under warranty. But that two weeks has expanded to four, and then some. Part of this is jet lag/old age/retirement syndrome. Jet lag and old age are real. It takes longer to adjust. Retirement syndrome means, as long as your health holds out, you don't have to hurry. Or want to. Plus we've had a touch of injury and illness; now on the mend. Anyhow, we have seen more of Nederlands than ever before, in part because of our MuseumKartes and the suffering euro, and in part because we have thoroughly enjoyed our time here. It's been an education, and not just culturally, observing a country whose standard of living is higher than that of the US and whose politics and attitudes are so very different.

Plus, we have spent some time making improvements to the camper: enhanced safety and security, solar power, new DC outlets, screen door, a fan, water filter, propane bottles adaptable to all the different systems in Europe, a back-up camera, household accoutrements, gadgets and gizmos of every kind, and much more. All this has involved trips to various stores as well as hours spent in researching, planning, installation, testing and so forth. Apart from the lack of air conditioning, we have things about the way we want them. (Well, we're still looking for a proper paper-towel holder.) And so we're now ready to venture out. Not a little of the improvement has been due to Rene at BW Campers, who sold us the vehicle, providing all the paperwork and insurance, who did some of the work himself and who generously lent us his shop and tools when we needed them. And in English, too. If you're interested in doing what we're doing, you should visit him at
140 watts; works, too; we love watching our Trimetric show the
energy falling out of the sky

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