Saturday, January 28, 2023

Hamilton Gardens, 3

And now, the exciting, rosy conclusion of our wonderful visit to the Hamilton Gardens...

Vicki smelling the gardenias

In the Surrealist's Garden, the tree limbs moved and made weird
noises, and implements, wheel barrow, faucet...
was super-sized to create an illusion; or possibly something else

Not our favorite

Sago palm erupting

Well, for some reason, our pix reflected only the
reproductive aspects of the tropicals...

More to come...a great work in progress

Not all of Hamilton Gardens are the various types of garden
depicted...there are also convention settings

A huge old Eucalyptus in the parklands

And of highest interest to us, the very extensive rose gardens,
still going well despite its being mid-summer

Hamilton Gardens, 2

Continuing our day's visit at Hamilton Gardens, January 24th...

Now in the traditional Maori garden, Te Parapara

Moving right along again, the Tudor garden

Major feature of the Sustainable Backyard Garden is that someone
needs to be working in it...

Backyard garden furniture Gaudi might have approved of...note
embedded glass, tile, TV remote, utensils...

A highlight was the garden depicted in New Zealand author
Katherine Mansfield's classic "The Garden Party," which daughter
Rebecca taught for many years; she had heard of Hamilton Gardens
while visiting Mansfield's home in Wellington

An upper middle class garden party

I might have been the chauffeur

All set up on the tennis green

The Picturesque Garden referencing Mozart's Magic Flute...


The Flute

The Concept Garden left us, um, wondering...

Not sure where this fit in, but the Lewis Carroll quote goes "If
you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there"

Down under astronomical depiction

In the produce or kitchen garden