Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The Hague

The Hague or Den Haag is the long-time home of courts of international law and a very old Nederlands city. We were there to visit the Mauritshuis, perhaps the nation's second most important art museum, after the Rijksmuseum. We took bus #36 to Leyenburg and then a tram into the city center for a pleasant day's outing.
Sculpture, mostly contemporary sculpture, adorns this city too;
sometimes edifying or insightful, sometimes, vexing, sometimes

And sometimes functional, even comfortable after a day on one's feet

We had lunch at a place called Will's Pancake House-- seriously--splitting a huge
omelet and then this pancake/strawberry/cream/confectionery sugar creation

Waddling along after lunch, a view of some of Den Haag's
contemporary architecture

And some interesting older Dutch Art Deco

Street scene downtown

What a concept!

At a cafe; yes, it was quite cool than day

In a courtyard of the Dutch Parliament; note lace curtains in office windows....

Same courtyard, church, and Queen Beatrix fountain

And now in a chocolate store...I went healthy with the chocolate- dipped dried

Thought for the day

In a housewares store, a whole display of devices and
accoutrements for the aged...

And more sculpture

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