Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Everything's Betta In Betta

Betta is a ranch at a crossroads in the Namib, with a small store and restaurant, a gas station, and campground. We were glad to get there and to end the day's driving. The electricity was insufficient for powering the ACs of nine motorhomes, but the heat was bearable, and as the sun set, the temps fell. I found the "off the grid" nature of the place of interest, and later we had another memorable braai.
Washboard road; "corrugated" as our friends said

Betta is a livestock operation with a gas station, a small store/ restaurant, and a
campground; all off the grid, so to speak; well, on its own grid

Nicely landscaped for this part of the world; there was a small orchard out back

Ablution block

One of the few pix of all nine of us

Ablution block water heating

Desert landcaping


More of the spread; note windmill, solar panels

Spare antlers, horns

Battery block


Devices for mixing cattle feed

Spare tires

Another African sunset coming

And another memorable braai: Dave, Howard, Kate, Kaye. James, Vicki, Christine

Chris' digital meat thermometer

Dave, Howard, James, Kaye, Hilary, Vicki, Christine, Chris

Bob displays a road find

Marian pictures Dave, Don, Hilary, Kaye, and Donnie; James is a blur of activity

1 comment:

Tawana said...

Interesting stopping place.