Friday, October 20, 2017

Capetown Old Downtown

After the explosive 10AM re-enactment, our tour moved on, en pied, into Capetown's older downtown and its Green Market Square.
Balcony from which Nelson Mandela spoke to the nation after
being released from his defiant years of imprisonment

We were absolutely knocked out by the amount of Art Deco
in Capetown

Just a fraction; maybe as much as SF!

We were let loose at the Green Market, a block of stalls of
crafts and tourist crap

I couldn't take my eyes of the buildings

Moving right along, Capetown's old mosque

It's astounding how many "traditional" restaurants are named
"Mama Africa"; maybe it's a chain?

Not Art Deco

You can't claim to be a city if you don't have an Irish pub

Worn but no less true

Click to enlarge and read; in this building, until 1991, judgments
were rendered about who was white, who had which rights...

These two benches remain for the their moral/dramatic effect

Our group reads and reflects

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