Monday, June 3, 2019

Promenade Plantee And The Viaduc Des Artes

We did parts of the two walks back in June and July of 2014: ( and Rebecca wanted to see some of them, and we agreed, wanting to see the plants in the spring, and to see what changes had occurred after five years in the shoppes and workshops below. The whole thing is some 5 kilomteters of 19th century elevated train track, long since disused, which the city in the 1990s converted to a landscaped walkway with high-end shoppes and artisan workshops below. The walkway goes all the way from the Bastille to Vincennes.
Very large artichoke seen passing through the Marche d 'Aligre
(it was with a group of itinerant artichokes)

A bit of the marche. the brocante bit

Now on the Promenade, among the roses

The Promenade/Viaduc straddles the 11th and 12th, very urban, mostly residential

Artistes at work

It's a walking path; jogging is tolerated as long as it doesn't bother the walkers

Interesting building along the way


Water feature

Street scene from the Promenade

Which cuts right through some buildings

After a stint in a park (it was Wednesday afternoon, and plenty of kiddos were
around for P to play with), we turned back and descended to the shopping section

Each of these a shop or workshop

Other way

Kitchen shop where I bought a longed-for pan


"Beautiful plumage!"
What? Your town doesn't have a plumassier?!

And finally a white paper art shoppe

1 comment:

Tawana said...

Show us the pan!