Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Paestum, 2013

In the south, there was one more place we wanted to see one more time, remarkable Paestum. We saw it in 2011, after Turkey and Greece and just before Sicily. There are many Greek temples in those places, but none are in as fine a condition as the three 6th century Doric temples at Paestum. (Doric because they hadn't invented Ionic or Corinthian yet). The Greeks began colonizing the Black Sea and all over the Mediterranean in the 8th and 7th centuries, not long after Homer. The 2011 Paestum post is at http://roadeveron.blogspot.it/2011/02/paestrum.html.
Columns of the Temple of Hera, with those of the Temple of
Apollo behind...sunset; interesting to remember that these
structures were built generations before Pericles, Socrates,
et al.

Temple of Hera illuminated


Temple of Apollo; not pictured because it was at the other
side of this sizable walled ancient city: Temple of Athena;
see 2011 post

At Paestum's excellent museum; the Lucanians--successors
to the Greeks--painted the insides of their sarcophogi; here
is "The Diver," inside lid, said to celebrate a passage to a new

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