Tuesday, July 27, 2021

These Are The People In Our Neighborhood

Georgian residential buildings and squares constitute much of Bloomsbury, they're red or gray or black, three or for stories, and otherwise uniformly uninteresting. We've done any number of neighborhood walks plus the official Bloomsbury Walk. Mostly of interest are the people who have lived here and the great assortment of historic plaques and such that adorn many, if not most, of the buildings and squares. A sampling from our first few days' walks...

John Henry Cardinal Newman

Disraeli's dad

Needs no introduction

Queen Charlotte, wife of George III

The mentally ill George III stayed with his doctor
nearby and his wife stored his special vittles here

What greater honor can come to a writer than to have a pub named
after her?

Lytton Strachey

More or less next door

Bloomsbury Group

"All the world is made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust"

Look them up!

PS--weeks later, I discovered this on the University of London
School of Pharmacy building that is directly behind the building
in which our flat is located; evidently the Bloomsbury Group
moved around quite a bit...

1 comment:

Tawana said...

You are in exalted company!