Saturday, July 24, 2021

Oxford, 2021, Very Briefly

Independence Day we spent getting to Oxford, lunch there and a little sightseeing, and then ever onward toward our main goal, Wells. 

Harry Potter stores rule High Street, Main Street, Broad Street,
etc.; important sets, scenes for the Potter movies were shot here

In the Old Market

Our favorite restaurant in Oxford is Chiang Mai--
thank you, Rebecca--wait a second, didn't we go to
cooking school in Chiang Mai?

Restaurant menu with a building history, and an
interesting history too (click to enlarge)


Tom Yum, my favorite

Her pad thai

Best coconut ice cream anywhere, served in a coconut shell

Meanwhile, back on the street

Important setting from Harry Potter, or perhaps Lion, Witch, and
, or possibly Shadowlands; people were taking pix of it

Radcliffe Camera

Sunday afternoon, people getting out a bit, although still mostly
masked and distanced

T. E. Lawrence's actual garb, helping lead the Arab
uprising in 1916-1918; he was a student at Jesus
College, Oxford; we're in the Ashmolean Museum,
which is mostly about the exploits of Oxford
faculty and the wealth and acquisitiveness of its

Everyone masked here too

St. Nicholas strafing a mermaid, Bicci of Lorenzo, early 15th century
Still my Ashmolean favorite, Ucello's Hunt in the Forest
Typical Ashmolean scene

In the music room

Never miss a Ghilandaio, even a little one


Tawana said...

Thai food in Oxford! Well, English food does not have a great reputation, so why not Thai?

Rebecca said...

Still the best Thai ever! So jealous of your visit!!