Friday, July 16, 2021

Iceland, 6: Heading Back West

From Djupivogur we did the Stovar fiord and then the Faskruds fiord, following Route #1 up through a long tunnel and pass, and eventually to the town of Egilsstadir. From there, the road turned west across some of the most desolate country we have seen, the Holsfajoll, so desolate--90% without vegetation, not even bluebonnets--we took pix only of the signage. From there we headed on to the next great waterfall, the Dettilfoss, another thermal area, and then spent the night at a campground in Reykjahlid. We were at about the midpoint of our circumnavigation of Iceland.

Of course it started out with a waterfall, another impressive one

Skerries, we'd call them in Scandinavia

Standing their ground

Aqua-farming in the Faskruds fiord (I think); hopefully mussels
or salmon or something else I like

Pitstop at the Skalinn Diner, in Egilsstadir

The sun never sets on American kitsch

And more waterfalls

A three-fer

Sooner or later even the waterfalls run out

It gets more and more desolate

So desolate you can't even walk barefoot on the bluebonnets

You are in the Holsfajoll

[click to enlarge] But don't despair: the bishops' cairns will lead
the way

Thus; and besides, there's another waterfall just over the hill...

1 comment:

Tawana said...

That is just the most desolate looking place. Love the waterfalls, but the landscape is bleak.