Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Iceland, 2: Geldingadalsgos

Our second day was a good one, starting out with an experience as memorable as anything we have done: hiking out to the flowing molten lava from the volcano Geldingadalsgos, perhaps only 20-30 miles from the campground at Sandgeroi. This is not quite as extraordinary as it may sound, since the landowners nearby had set up parking lots near the trails leading up through the volcano's hills and ravines. Mostly public lands with recreational trails. We chose one of the less demanding routes, parked, and hiked perhaps a mile or so to the tongue of lava making its way down the valley. At first it looked like a lake of solid black rock. On somewhat closer examination it became clear that underlying the black stuff was red hot stuff, moving and burning everything in its way. We lingered a bit, taking it all in, warming ourselves near the lava, then finally gave in to the wind and chill. Extraordinary!

Driving out to the volcano

Just your normal Icelandic hiking trail

There were a couple dozen others there, some tourists, some locals

I stepped in as close as I dared, then noticed the grass I was standing
on was blackening, and then poof! just after I backed off, it ignited

Vicki capturing the action

Us, there

1 comment:

Tawana said...

Now, that is scary! Glad you did not burn your foot!