Sunday, July 25, 2021

Get Thee To A Nunney

Our course turned back east, our London apartment rental beginning in two days. Happily, the course was adjusted to include Nunney, the home of Vicki's ancestral castle ruins. 

Nunney castle and moat; built by John de la Mare in the 14th; 
modeled on the Bastille or other French castles, which he must
have seen during his various travels in France during the Hundred
Years War

Less a castle than a fortified residence; bought by wealthy London
resident Richard Prater in the 16th; attacked and damaged by the
Parliamentarians but never slighted; remained in use for a couple
centuries more but then declined in disuse, and its fallen stones
taken by villagers; came to English Heritage nearly a century ago

Vicki is descended from the Praters on her father's side; we
actually attended a Prater (now Prather) reunion in Texas back
in the 80s; the original Prater (Praetor?) is said to have come
over from Normandy in 1066
Nunney parish church; older foundations, etc.
but re-done in the 19th c.
Very old effigies of John de la Mare (top) and Mr. and Mrs. Prater

1 comment:

Tawana said...

It's so interesting that you can trace your ancestry back this far. We get hung up pre-Revolutionary War. I should really spend some time trying to get farther back. I can verify DAR and a generation or two beyond, but not anybody who is in the "Old Country." Love that you have photos even of the effigies in the church!