Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Some Nearby Buildings Of Interest

Not Georgian, mostly, but some of great interest, either architecturally, aesthetically, or otherwise. Again, from our first few days' wanderings...

Lest anyone think I'm being unfair to Georgian urban residential
architecture...there are miles of these hereabouts, generally surrounding
a pretty park...Russell Square, Bedford Square, Tavistock Square,
Regent Square...

Holy Cross Church, a couple blocks away; looks like it could be
much older, but is still 19th century

British Library

Kings Cross station

Over-the-top neo-Flamboyant St. Pancras Hotel; behind it is the 
new international station/shopping center; extends a quarter mile

Entrance to the British Museum, appropriately classical since
half of ancient Greece is already inside

Senate House, currently Old Main for the University of London
(that is, central administration); in WWII, this was the Ministry of
Information, which Graham Greene, George Orwell, and other
journalists flocked to for the latest news releases; Orwell later
used it as the model for the "Ministry of Truth" in 1984; big art

The old Russell Hotel (now something else) on Russell Square
(imagine my disappointment in learning that Russell Square was
not named for Bertrand Russell)

The original and still Waterstones, on Gower St., five miles of

Gorgeous neo-Renaissance

Caryatids?! Shouldn't they be at the British Museum?

But no, they adorn the nearly 200 year old St. Pancras New Church

Two porches, eight caryatids...the Erecththeion only had six! And
probably no "Just Falafels" shop

House of the Rising Sun

1 comment:

Tawana said...

Some lovely places in your neighborhood.