Friday, May 31, 2013

Amiens' Sculpture

While Chartres has the most intact stained glass, Amiens has the more intact sculpture. Here is a sampling, all pretty much 13th century.
Just about everything that follows is from the west side,
but this venerated Virgin and Child is from the south...
moved indoors now to protect from the elements, a copy
in her place on the porch outside

Assorted saints, apostles, whatever, atop, but in the quadrifoils below, the
activities of the months (think Zodiac)

Last Judgment; so-so, but nice Jaws of Hell on the right

Wise Virgins (the vertical panel), their lamps held upwards;
a healthy tree at the bottom

Foolish Virgins, empty lamps, dead tree

More saints, et al.; more quadrifoils, this time representing vices and virtues

Closer up on the condemned

A Mary sequence in pairs: Annunciation, Visitation, Presentation

Top quadrifoil: things fall apart

Above Mary and Baby J, the Ark of the Covenant, and to its right, Moses (with
horns; this was a translation issue, like virgin)

Rats in Jerusalem (things really falling apart)

Things really, really, falling apart

On a more cheerful note, warming before a fire in the winter

Not all the sculpture is outside; here is one of two bronze 13th century sarcaphogi

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