Monday, June 24, 2024

Walking Past Notre Dame

From Le Louis Philippe we crossed the river and walked through the Ile de St. Louis and then the Cite, stopping to view and read about the ongoing repair of the great cathedral. Not pictured: stops at Laduree and Berthillion.

Some of the scaffolding coming down

The usual great French interpretive exhibits; and in
English too

North transept and its great rose window

Lots of carpenters and carpentry...I hope they are using
flame-retardant materials, as at Reims in the 1920s...

Flying buttress buttressed...pretty much as it might have looked
in construction 800 years ago

Still a ways to go...

But the great spire is back up

April 15th, 2019, one of those days probably no French
person will forget; we were in Pisa with Penelope...

1 comment:

Tawana said...

We were in Paris in November and December of 2019. No real reconstruction started yet. Everyone walking by was in tears.