Saturday, June 15, 2024

Pavillons de Bercy: Musee des Artes Forains

The Museum of Fairground Arts appears in Midnight in Paris: the rented venue of a Scott and Zelda party, where Gil (re-) encounters Adriana (here). It's a real place and not just a movie set: three large halls of restored circus, fun-fair, and fairground art and mobiles, mostly belle epoque, collected and presented by one Jean Paul Favand, and in its present location, in the Pavillons of Bercy, since 1996. At the time depicted in the movie it did not exist, of course, and Bercy, once the largest wine market in France, and probably the world, was in the last stages of its decline. (Something about the growing preference for "estate-bottled," changes in transportation, wars, taxes, etc.). The museum is housed in three large former wine warehouses--several more warehouses are said to contain spares, items in restoration, and so forth. In whole or part, it can be rented for assorted events--yes, weddings--but it also conducts limited tours. En francais, seulement. Through Rebecca's perseverance, again, we scored tickets. Granted, this is not one of the must-see venues of Paris, but it is a wonderful respite from all the seriousness and much fun for both kids and adults. See the museum website for much more. And in English, too.

In the Venice hall

Us, there

The tour is in French only, but the non-Francophones can read along
in the multi-page hand-out in the language of their choice; half our
group of four are Francophones; apparently the guide's lengthy narration
is replete with puns and humor...

Among the many working carousels

Our tour group in another hall

The place is more than replete with the relevant artifacts

Famous elephant-toting hot air balloon

More artifacts

More animatronics; sort of

Our guide explaining the first of several skee ball-powered race
tracks; from what I could tell and hear, she was very good

Penelope (purple jacket) came in second

Us all, there

Unicorn and piano

Fairground organ 

Many re-creations of iconic Parisian scenes

Toulouse-Lautrec painting

Victor Hugo writing

One of the halls

Between the halls, in what remains of the old wine warehouse district;
the tracks would go all the way to Burgundy, the Rhone, and Provence;
Bercy is right on the river, too, in the 12th, so there was that mode of
transportation before railroads

Whimsy everywhere

Lots of opportunities for shots like this

The piece de resistance for us was the skee ball-powered
derby of the cafe waiters

Based on a real annual event in Montmartre; 8kms without spilling

Yet another carousel

Peeking into another hall

The very famous velo-powered merry-go-round

Enjoyed more than once by our party

Now departing the much gentrified and attractive Bercy; great visit!

1 comment:

Tawana said...

What a fun venue! Memories of "Midnight in Paris."