Tuesday, June 11, 2024

New Bern And The Beach

After the Palace, we ventured on to the museum, and lunch, and then into downtown New Bern. And beyond that, Atlantic Beach.

Time line

Helpful map

Helpful model

Museum portrait gallery

Founded originally by the Swiss, from Bern

Reminded us not a little of Savannah

Pretty main drag

Bears everywhere

Wonderfully restored saloon

Even a speck of art deco
But the main attraction was...

The birthplace of Pepsi Cola
Original recipe

Scads of artifacts

Thus sated, we drove on to Atlantic Beach, NC, where a gale was
blowing and all kinds of "don't go in the water" signs abounded

We were there long enough to get thoroughly salt-sprayed and for
P to frolic lightly in the water

And then drove back, a couple hours at least, through thunderstorms,
to Cary; fortunately Rebecca doesn't mind all the driving...thanks
Rebecca for a wonderful day

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