Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Provins Medieval Fair, 2024: Part The Second

After dinner, the rains came--temps in the high 50s--and I headed back down the hill, nursing a cold already. Vicki and Penelope stayed on a couple hours more. By the time they got back to the apartment, I was pretty sick, and eventually it was decided, regrettably, I would stay home for the second day of the fair. The major consequence of this was that Vicki became the sole official court photographer, and thus there were rather fewer pix of the fair than in the one-day visit of 2019. In any case, here is day two at Provins.

Ever more music, mostly on facsimile Medieval instruments

Head-gear has been added to the outfit

The Medieval merch at Provins is fairly astounding

Medieval rendition of "Stardust"

More stilts

Some of the high-end jewelry, Penelope, the designer/jewelry-maker,
 taking note for future projects

Dancing in the streets

Sword-play in the grass 

No end to the interesting costumes

Satyrs enjoying a cold one

Be very careful how you sit

Are satyrs really Medieval? Pre-Medieval?

The costume is complete...dagger and scabbard,
coin purse, and more

Notes for a future year's costume

Passing by the lepers' colony (see 2018 pix for more)

Harry? Harry Potter? Time-traveling?

Ever more merch

And still more ideas for next time

Parting shot

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