Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Paris Restos

We wanted to offer Tawana and Cara a good sampling of traditional fare, so we chose 1) a "typical" Paris resto we like, Le Louis Philippe on rue Tivoli by the river, in the 3rd, 2) something historic, namely Procope, in the 6th, 3) something Art Nouveau, Mollard, by the Gare St. Lazaire, and 4) a creperie, La Creperie Bretonne, at Montparnasse. Good eats and good company! 

Boeuf Bourguignon and salade Nicoise at Le Philippe Louis

Sans pomme de terre, it was noted

Not so the boeuf

Oeufs mayonnaise

Crevettes and avocado


Risotto with mushrooms and truffles

Steak and frites

Ile flotante

Lemon and pistachio ice creams...the pistachio was the best ever
for me; Vicki was more reserved; Voltaire wrote that Procope's
ice cream was so good it should be outlawed

Cara and Vicki at Mollard

Swordfish (oops, forgot to picture the oysters) 

More steak frites



Flaming omelette surprise (sort of a baked Alaska)

Cheese assortment

At Mollard, a peek into the private dining room

A crepe complet, with egg and sausage

1 comment:

Tawana said...

The food at all of your suggested restaurants was wonderful. We have never eaten so well in Paris! Loved every minute of it. Thanks for all the effort to make our stay just perfect!