Sunday, June 16, 2024

Louvre, 1

Apart from preparing and packing for the impending overnight trip to Provins and its annual Medieval Fair, we had scheduled a Friday visit to the Louvre. Vicki and I are members of the Amis du Louvre, with unlimited visits, and also are entitled to bring a guest each. Art history is a staple of P's home schooling, and she is quite knowledgeable. But she prefers getting her lessons from books, the internet, videos and such, and has never been much of a museum person. So we try to keep her museum-time relatively short and sweet. I think we took her to the Louvre three times during her visit. 

Just off the Pyramide, today's wedding pix

So we get to special entrance for Amis card-holders and are informed
the museum is closed: a strike is underway; while Vicki stands patiently
in line, hoping the strike will be resolved or otherwise end, Penelope and 
I cross the street in hopes of finding a cafe...passing, en route, the historic 
Comedie Francaise

The nearby cafe, between the Louvre and the Comedie Francaise,
is adorned, aptly, with these humorous futbol-themed renditions of
great works of art...

Caravaggio would have been proud

Returning to the museum, there has been no movement
in the line, and we resolve to try again another day; just
as we step out onto rue Rivoli, I glance back, the line
is moving, the museum is open!

Vicki and Penelope sprint up the stairs and down the
corridors and are able to see the Mona Lisa practically

By the time I catch up, the room is beginning to look as always

Moving right along, we look at some other
Leonardo paintings, including those with strange
perspective and framing...

Originally a St. John the Baptist, from a Leonardo
drawing, it was over-painted in the late 17th century
to become a Bacchus...assorted Bacchalian symbols
on view...he seems to be saying "the bar is over there"
(or possibly down there...)

Soon to become a tea towel when I get my Cafe
Press shop going...

Outside, at a terrace cafe, we are enjoying the view and a snack break

Then we are back to serious museum exploration

But before the next break, things were getting crowded, so we 
called it a day

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