Thursday, June 27, 2024

Scenes From Diverse Walks, 1

After Tawana's and Cara's departures we spent a couple days not sightseeing but merely running some errands and reconnoitering things of interest. And getting our steps. Ths first walk was to take us to the Decathlon on St. Germaine for some shopping, then a stop for kouign amann at Georges Larnicol, then further back down St. Germaine until we got tired and headed back home.

Today's video shoot, on Vaugirard, across from the park

Not a big production perhaps

Fish drying at the Marche St. Germaine

So we're crossing the Boulevard St. Germaine, and I
notice this bag of archaeological grade lumber, removed
from a renovation site nearby

Just down from the statue of Danton
And, for want of a nail,  Vicki boldly extracts an archeological grade
(=not from Home Depot) nail for our collection of found/extracted/
otherwise-obtained items that inevitably get tossed eventually for lack
of a label describing their provenance
Looking around for the reno site, we discover this
beautiful alley, which we've no doubt walked past
dozens of times

Including the back side outdoor seating for Procope

Always something new to discover

In the courtyard park of the church of St. Germaine
de Pres, this monument to the 11,000 Jewish children
in Paris taken by the Vichy government and handed
over to the Germans, and Auschwitz

Finally, another item we've walked past dozens of times without
looking up...the Sevres portal from the Paris 1900 Exposition 
(world fair), one of the few architectural items that have survived 
that famous event; Sevres is of course France's famed manufacturer 
of fine porcelain

1 comment:

Tawana said...

Love Vicki's nail!