Tuesday, June 11, 2024

New Bern: The Tryon Palace

On May 8th Rebecca and Penelope treated us to a day-trip to New Bern, in eastern NC, and then on to Atlantic Beach, in the Outer Banks, both parts of the state we had not seen before. New Bern is a pretty eastern Carolina town, relatively old for these parts, nicely renovated, self-regarding, and attractive. The main draw is the (reconstructed) Governor's Palace, Tryon Palace. Of note also is that New Bern was the birthplace of Pepsi Cola.

Pano of the palace: left is the staff area, kitchen, laundry, secretary's offices; center, the palace itself;
right, stables and staff (slave) housing; all petty much like a (modest) English great house, as you would
The Guv's chamber; the governor was royally-appointed, so the
capital was wherever the then-governor happened to live 

Music room

View across the lawn, to the river...


Oddly, a portrait of Scottish philosopher Thomas
Reid; the docent explained this as a reference to
Thomas Paine...the proponent of "common sense
philosophy" as a father of the American Revolution?!
I stifled myself; no connection; Reid's "argument from 
design" was one of philosophy's great jokes,
refuted by the bon David Hume 20 years before Reid
concocted it...stifle yourself...

Grand staircase

Amenities, necessaries

Guest room

Guv's boudoir

Kiddie room

Pantry; in the basement now

Butler's pantry: note bars

Housekeeper's quarters

Now in the service building, the hearth...and excellent docent
work throughout

Washing boards

Governor's secretary's office

In the gardens

Among the excellent signage

Alas, not planted in flowering vines!!! Could easily have surpassed 
Three generations

1 comment:

Tawana said...

How come I didn't know that was the birthplace of Pepsi? Goodness!