Thursday, June 27, 2024

Scenes From Diverse Walks, 2

Another day, another walk (well, a ride on the Metro too) took us to the 16th to reconnoiter an apartment prospect on rue Poncelet. The apartment itself was attractive in photos, and the immediate neighborhood was pretty stunning. But the location was further away from the city center than we'd like. In any case, another explore, and more discoveries.

Thus; click to enlarge; out beyond the Arc de Triomphe

The architecture was pretty stunning

What was really enticing were the shops just around
the corner; best seafood market I've seen in Paris; #3
oysters €13/dozen 

So nice to be in a place that doesn't have state-controlled liquor sales

Best of all, a Cyril Lignac patisserie

Scene of the street market

A block away was a beautiful art nouveau FNAC (media chain, among
the largest of Paris' many bookstores)

Alas, the beautiful windows could be viewed only
from the 3rd floor inside

Very interesting and attractive neighborhood, but...

1 comment:

Tawana said...

Great stained glass and ceiling.