Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Brussels Art Nouveau, 2

Continuing our art nouveau tour in Brussels...
Inside Schaerbeeks's PS#1

Exposing kids to beauty, and history


Hundred-year-old signage, too beautiful to replace

Ditto; a family lives at each of the district's schools

Ecole Primaire #1; the architect, H. Jacobs, is listed at the bottom

But wait, there's more...the school gymnasium
down the street

Beautiful, but not open to us

Where we are

Panning around

Another art nouveau, criticized by our guide as
"art nouveau baroque." that is, over the top (so
to speak)

I thought it was pretty neat

Next stop, back downtown, is the former Waucquez store, Horta's
last art nouveau undertaking, with just traces of the style


It's the museum of comics

But still identifiably art nouveau

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