Sunday, October 24, 2010


We proceeded on to Gaziantep, another old city with a number of cultural attractions...
Crossing the Euphrates again, for the last time (in this part of the world, it's 
almost always a reservoir)

Spending the night at a rest area under construction, this one with its own 
mosque and ablution kiosk (our theory being if you can't find a monastery 
or jandarma, a mosque will do; many rest stops/service areas have their own

Gaziantep's citadel, complete with soldierly statues

Traditional metal-working district around the citadel

Gaziantep's han/caravansery, now in need of repair

Nice archaeological display in centrum

Other than the foregoing, one of the two main reasons for visiting Gaziantep 
is its pistachio baklava, said to be the best in all Turkey; after a lengthy walk, 
and with the help of a nice Bulgarian woman and her husband, I found Gulluoglu, 
a baklava shop that has attained cult status, and which is in fact the oldest still-
in-operation corporation in Turkey

And worth every step; the ksshhh sound it makes when you 
bite into it is extraordinary... ah, and the warm honey dripping 
down your chin...but I digress

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