Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Ghent Out-Takes, 2024

I thought I'd add "well crucified" to the "well hung" genre,
but then, wait a second, what's that cleaver for?

"Got me a a red-head!"

The central old town is in pretty good shape; the outer ring is a bit
funky at times, and sometimes in need of restoration and renovation;
one wonders where the money will come from to do the many old
and probably protected structures in need of repair...

Actually, pineapple would go well with this

Everything's up to date in Ghent

Very large format Lego

Pigeons have no respect

So we're at a resto after seeing the Ghent Altarpiece,
and I notice some of the city's spires and banners
reflected in my wine glass...so van Eyck...

Interesting diversification

We were looking for the Ellipsis store but only found the Ampersand

Unusual store name

1 comment:

Tawana said...

Interesting shop name for sure..