Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Parc Floral de Paris, Bois de Vincennes

After a day or so "off" we decided to visit an old friend, the Parc Floral in the distant Bois de Vincennes, on the southeastern edge of Paris, in search of nature, quiet, tranquility...

By the ponds and water lilies

And now at the bonsai complex, admiring the blooming (!) rhododendra



Resident checking us out

A favorite setting

OK, so what you haven't seen so far is that this is the
next to last week of school in Paris, and the Parc Floral
is overrun--overrun!--with school children, their 
teachers, and aides; apparently there is no dress code
for teachers' aides

We still got to see some floral stuff

But mostly kids, elementary age

Innovative fencing (no smoking)

Now we needed another day off!

1 comment:

Tawana said...

I think that the teacher's aide had on the shortest pants that I have ever seen.