Monday, July 15, 2024

Bruges Out-Takes

New restaurant concept?

Belgium is said to have some 1100 beers; my three
favorites, Westvleteren, Duvel, and Grimbergen, are all

Bosch socks

Still working on my tea towel concept

Rene Sance, Good Old Fido, 1527; thanks, Vicki, for spotting this

"You've got the wrong guy!"

Interesting table/night stand

Sculpture at the Sint Jan Hospital; seriously

Click to enlarge and read; Mr. Spaghetti is just outside the Sint
Jan Hospital, on the campus, really; a hoot!

Follow the tour buses, and they're sure to lead you
to a Kathe Wolfahrt Christmas store
Parts needed for our devices...bought way back in 1979

We thought it amusing that waffles and fries are specifically
forbidden in the Basilica

Crafting a chocolate/strawberry waffle for Vicki

She only let me have one small bite
The bottle of Westvleteren #12 I bought in Brugge

My fears of a fake were unfounded...this most definitely
was the real thing, and it brought back many pleasant
memories of stops, and even overnight stays, at the Abbey
of St. Sixtus; the world's greatest beer seems now a bit
more widely available

1 comment:

Tawana said...

OK, I like that waffle, too.