Sunday, July 14, 2024

In Search of Decent Fries In Bruges

As students of this blog know, we are admirers of Flemish fries, and will go out of our way to try anything that sounds remotely Belgian or Netherlandish in the fries realm. Candidly, our recent experience in Paris was mostly unimpressive, except for les Relais d'Entrcote, but we figured Bruges would be a snap for good Flemish fries. We consulted Google and also our landlord and, after our Groeningemuseum visit, found something called Mr. Potato (or somesuch) and got the last two seats in this evidently very popular friterie, out somewhat beyond the touristy zone. We sat at the counter, ringside seats, watching the preparation of Flemish frites with eager anticipation. 


Inside the restaurant delivery truck

Shaking the frites after their 2nd frying...alas, they
were disappointing, a larger cut than we're accustomed
to, lacking flavor, a bit too crispy on the
this friteur only offered four (4) sauces; most Low
Country types eat their fries with mayo; the friteries
we know in Amsterdam and elsewhere will offer a dozen
or more sauces; oh well, we left, not hungry, but feeling
our quest was not at its end

Wandering on, in search of a recommended chocolate
shop, noting ever more beautiful buildings

Near it was the local McDonald's (cue foreshadowing music)

The chocolate shop, where we stimulated the local

Alley scene

Corner scene


Helpful model of the Bruges tower

Attempted pano of the city square

It's a long story, involving a restaurant that couldn't find our reservation
(finally seated us after I showed them their confirmation on my phone),
wanted 10 euros for a liter of water (refused to serve carafe d'eau; in
Paris you often don't even have to ask), had a disappointing listing of
beer offerings, and was a prime example of Bruges' "stick it to 'em"
attitude to tourists...we left, and finally ended up at McDos--first time
since August, 2023--where we enjoyed the best frites we have had
recently, with curry sauce, and even


A 1 euro can of beer

The Bruges McDo

1 comment:

Tawana said...

We always like to try a McDos wherever we are.