Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Tallinn Scenes, 4

 And now, the exciting conclusion of our Tallinn Scenes series...

Our final goal for the day: Tallinn's central market

Baking bread the old fashioned way

Not much else about the market was old-fashioned...it would have
been right at home in any American suburbopolis; this scene is in
the one very large seafood store

Eventual fate of all original Fiat 500s

Finished bread and baker's assistant

Back in old town

Rarest of sights...following a printed map

"Shire...Baggins..."...what are the Nazgul doing here?!

So next day we are approaching and entering the upper fortress

Looking out at a bit of modern Tallinn

In the inner fortress, the Alexander Nevsky Russian Orthodox
Church; very Russian-looking

Clandestine shot of the altar area

For our next church, in order to evade the 2 euro charge, we decided
to fall in between cruise ship excursion groups #78 and #79 and
hopefully pass unnoticed

The church, a former Lutheran one, I think...

"Famous" for displaying the crests and shields of Estonia's great
(Protestant?) families; at this point, we were done, opted out
of the excursion groups and headed back to a great Indian restaurant
for dinner (next post); and for packing up for our next removal...

Parthian shot from Tallinn

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