Friday, July 26, 2024

Riga Downtown Scenes: Some Art Nouveau, Some Not

We did a few art nouveau walking tours in Riga, sometimes following a guidebook, sometimes the Art Nouveau Museum's walking tours, sometimes a combination of the two. We are easily distracted, moreover, and sometimes abandon the tour altogether in pursuit of other things...

The tour began at the Latvian National Opera, about as far from 
art nouveau as possible

But within sight, there was a real beauty, OK, maybe not exactly
art nouveau, but admirable nonetheless

Thus; the Italian Embassy; or possibly a gelateria

Sometimes the details were more interesting than the
whole edifice

Checking his messages

Another beauty

One of the few interiors open

A real head-scratcher

Atop the tower, one of Riga's icons...

An art deco here and there

Mixed messages

More deco

Foreshadowing what we'll see on the next tour, on
Elizabeth and Alberta streets

1 comment:

Tawana said...

The head scratcher is interesting as is the cat. Couldn't exactly figure out if the cat was doing his business or just perched there. :-)