Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Riga's Central Market

Reputedly Europe's largest city market--a claim I wouldn't dispute--it can be seen from outer space. (See illustration.) It was in our path as we walked almost daily to the center of the old city, so we got to know it reasonably well. In addition to the myriad outdoor pavilions, covered and uncovered, and numerous shops and stands in smaller ancillary buildings, the central feature of Riga's Central Market is its four WWI Zeppelin hangars, dismantled and moved here. There's one each for meat, seafood, fruits and veggies, and clothing/housewares/etc. The closest comparison that comes to mind, at least in terms of size, is Istanbul's Grand Bazaar.

The four Zeppelin hangars are in the center of the photo


Fishing store district

Latvians are fairly obsessive about berries; here we saw some of
the best and cheapest ever; and ate our share of the cherries


Inside the meat hangar

What Jack Spratt's wife could eat

Grilled, compressed chicken; de-boned?

Fashion district

Vegematic guy

Upstairs in some of the buildings

Very international

Amber jewelry everywhere

Now in the seafood hangar; much of it smoked...

Or dried; or both

Fascinating place

1 comment:

Tawana said...

Every time I eat cherries, I think of you!