Wednesday, September 8, 2010

To Market, To Market, To Buy a Fat Pig; Part One

While at our "campsite" at Dragomiresti, we noticed countless horse-drawn carts going up the road to Bogvan Voda as well as cattle being driven there. And we inferred, despite our city-slicking ways, that Monday would be market day there. So we stopped in Bogvan Voda on the way back from Ieud, and, boldly, took in the market. It was an experience, worth two posts at least!
All along the road, for miles, coming and going, pedestrians
and carts headed for the market; carts often stopping to pick
up friends, neighbors, relatives

At the entry to the market, simply an alley opening onto a
large field

Yarn department

Hats...very tempting, except Vicki would kill me if I bought
another hat...

Handmade shoes

Cattle and horse sale, where the real action was

Horse power


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