Sunday, September 19, 2010

Bucaresti Miscellany

Varied scenes...
The venality and malevolence of the feline species

Versus the stupidity and laziness of the canine

Today's wedding is brought to you by...

So there we are, innocently looking at
the old Odeon Theatre, in Bucharest,
and wham! there is a bust of Mustafa
Kemal Ataturk; I mean, is this prophetic,
or what?! ...what?

Lines...electric lines, scaffolding lines...

Fresh from their successful concert in
Budapest...can Ozzie What's-His-Name be
far behind?

Speaking of which, this the first major street
concert of the day, sort of jazz American, dirty sax

Another sleeping dog, in the historical district; have I
mentioned that Romania has somewhere between
200,000 and 2 millon feral dogs? They are everywhere;
vacant lots in cities will harbor a dozen or more; every
rest stop on the highways in the countryside has its
resident feral dog (very territorial); about 9,000 bites
are reported annually; rabies is not uncommon; they
are to Romania what the feral chickens are to Kauai, a
pestilence and a disgrace; only more so

We conjecture that the tag says "certified rabies-free;
OK to be bitten by [date]"; so far as I can tell, these are
"communal" dogs, fed and maintained by the residents;
EU visitors must be appalled; we certainly are

I wasn't the only one taking pix...local TV

Power of indoor advertising

Even the graffiti is interesting...

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