Thursday, August 1, 2019

Boston Stump, 2

Apart from the Stump, and its place in Protestant and maybe political history, St. Botolph's is known also for the carvings in its quire, the wooden answer to the grotesques in stone we find so interesting...
A couple dozen misericords, none we saw terribly outrageous

But there was more

The hours it must have taken to do all this, not to mention the skill...

Nice English windows


In 1931, no less; good on Big Boston

Helpful model

In what is now the John Cotton memorial chapel..."the Lantern of St. Botolph's,"
as Longfellow wrote; after he sailed for Massachusetts Bay, the Church of England
replaced him with a more staid vicar, and things returned to their non-radical state

Part of what it takes to maintain an eight century old civic building

Muy importante! The Gough Map (a copy, the original, from Boston, is in the
Bodleian Library, Oxford; where it is known as the Bodleian Map): first road
map of England: 1360

Outside tracery and such

And a single Green Man

Market day in Boston

As I observed previously, there is a significant Eastern European presence in these
parts; we'd never seen a Baltic grocery...

The Swan Building?!

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