Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Sculpture At Parish Church In Barneville Carteret

We spotted another 12th century Romanesque church, passing through Barneville Carteret and stopped for a look.
I guess I forgot to get much of an exterior photo; imagine,
however, a grey stone building, rectangular, thick walls, arches
all over, narrow or slit windows...

The interior was notable for having partitioned
pews, something new to us

The outside sculpture was similar to the rest we have seen
recently in such churches

If a bit tamer

Inside, so much tamer that they even tell Bible stories

Some of them

Some of them



Barneville is also the place where Gen. Bradley declared the
Cotentin, and Cherbourg, liberated, June18, 1944

1 comment:

Tawana said...

Interesting pews. Wonder why they were made that way. I believe that I have seen pews like that in a Catholic church in Arkansas.