Thursday, July 30, 2015

Coutances Cathedral

Our next stop was Coutances, further down the coast, and its 13th century cathedral, set on the highest part of the town and visible for miles around.
Beautiful twin towers

Bow view, immense lantern tower at the crossing

There's a noticeable lack of ornamentation on the exterior;
other churches of this vintage would have sculptural decoration
all over the buttresses and towers

There are some nice gargoyles

And some sculpture near the west side

On the west facade, I think this is the Killer Rabbit of
Caerbannog, from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, dispatched,
at length, by Arthur and the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch

Knave view, a beautiful view, great color

Elevation; blind triforium

Thus, including the rose window

Standard 4-part ribbing in the nave

Side aisle

We've seen lot of Judgements at lots of cathedrals, but can not
remember one in glass; but there it is, south transept, 14th

Nice Hell, in Technicolor

Includes nobles and prelates, too

Resurrection of the Dead; not so colorful

Crossing, Lantern Tower

In a colorful chapel at the bow, the Circata, late 14th

"Jeez, a whole other half of the church to see!"

Innocent by-sitters

Apse ceiling

Kilroy was most certainly here in 1944, but
probably did not get into the church (later, the
Monuments Men would put up signs saying
that such places were booby-trapped and had
not been cleared of explosives)

In the 14th century apse

Beautiful carving throughout the interior

1 comment:

Tawana said...

Great church. We are castles and cathedrals people and hate to,pass up a wonderful church. I'm so glad you are documenting these!