Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Military Escort

So we were parked, entirely legally, behind the National Trust
visitor center, down the hill from Corfe Castle, a pretty
incredible site at which to spend the night, we thought

When next morning, I heard voices (not the usual voices),
soft but many...and, as the light grew, I looked out the window
to see

A full platoon or so of Royal Army, in fairly full gear, I think

Including weapons; good grief! I thought, is it a national
crime to overnight in a National Trust parking lot? Are they
here to apprehend us? Is this an international incident?

At length, they moved on...hopefully to a mere training hike in
the hills on a beautiful morning

We drove on to find we were indeed in military country

And even considered sticking around for the Tankfest

Thus; but ultimately we decided to carry on; and keep calm

1 comment:

Tawana said...

Didn't you have an experience with some Turkish soldiers once?