Antwerp's Cathedral is quite old and quite large, nave and three aisles on each side, although the outside aisles seem more like separate chapels. It's not terrifically high, nor interesting, architecturally. It's had a long and difficult history, with much remodeling. Work continues and it's going to be beautiful when finished.
Nave view |
In one of the aisle/chapels; I was commenting
that this chancel would really be happier in
Spain, and Vicki reminded me that, in this age,
Antwerp was in Spain |
Priestly vestment version of the ever popular
Tree of Jesse |
Lots of colorful but not very old glass |
Nice angelic painter... |
But what most visitors come to see here are the colossal
Rubens altar pieces |
Thus |
And thus |
Detail of which, illustrating the principle that blondes have more fun |
Main chancel, showing the position of |
Rubens' Assumption of Mary |
The chapel in which Rubens' Resurrection of Jesus resides is being renovated; hence this copy |
The beautiful oak pulpit by Michiel van der Voort, supported by the Four Continents |
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