Happy with our brief visit to Antwerp, we drove on to Ghent, our last stop in Belgium, finding the camper-stop in Gentbrugge, 4-5 miles from the city center. Through the kindness of a stranger, we found the correct bus into town...another dazzlingly beautiful old Belgian city.
Bell tower and cathedral in the distance |
Only in Flemland |
City hall; one building, two strikingly different ages and
styles |
On a long afternoon's walk around the historic city |
Waffling |
Street scene |
In an antiques store, a poster that struck me...
the last good year in Flanders... |
Today's wedding shot... |
Canal scene |
The old-fashioned way, Tawana (I get a headache just
looking at this photo!) |
More canal scenery |
Ditto |
Vicki at the smallest restaurant in Ghent, with
its owner, head chef, and maitre d' |
Meanwhile I am at the very interesting Fallen Angels shop
across the street (antique toys, photos) |
More canal scenery and beautiful old buildings |
Guild houses |
Attempted artsy-fartsy shot |
Hey, go to Amsterdam if you're into wild-plassen! |
A friend of mine actually makes bobbin lace. Her bobbins are all antique and beautiful. I hope you were able to watch them create the lace...it is fascinating. There is actually a lace guild in this area.
So jealous of all the sights you are seeing!
I couldn't watch it; I should go mad!
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