Monday, February 28, 2011

Paestum Museum

The Museum at Paestum is of interest, if for no other reason than for a collection actually on-site. It was surprisingly large, with a floor devoted to the Greek/Lucanian age, one to the Roman age, and one to the paleolithic and neolithic finds at the site.

Paestum Museum

Back-stabbing; among the metopes from the temples

A very helpful map of the Greek diaspora, c. 1000-500BCE;
where we have been recently

Greek era pottery

From Paestrum's necropolis: sarcophogus interiors were
decorated with frescoes, unlike pretty much any other place;
here is the most famous of them, The Diver

Over-view of The Diver (diving into the next life, as it were)

Another of the more colorful tomb frescoes

And expressive

Elsewhere, a terracotta still-life

Not sure what to make of this metope

Neolithic pottery from the site

And from the Roman, a togato (toga! toga!)

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