Friday, September 6, 2019

Edinburgh Tattoo

We first did the Tattoo--the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo--in 2009, and were enthralled; again in 2013, perhaps our best visit; and again this year, 2019. It's hard to explain: military marching bands strutting their stuff, very international, production values that are rising to the top for an outdoor performance, all in the Esplanade (review field) in front of Edinburgh Castle. Perhaps you have to have Scottish blood in your veins, or other Scottish spirits in your veins, but for us it is still a great experience, much more than mere fun. This year's participants were (quoting from the website) "China, France, Germany, New Zealand, Nigeria and Trinidad, as well as homegrown talent from the UK at the centre of it all." All these "are reinforced by the legendary sound of the Massed Pipes and Drums--more than 250 pipers and drummers from Scottish Regiments, the Pipers Trail and around the world--and the dazzle and athleticism of the Tattoo Dance Company, along with enchanting tunes from the Hjaltibonhoga fiddlers from the Shetland Isles." [Rachel note]. BTW, in Scotland, the stress is on the second syllable of "tattoo." Must be Gaelic. We'd go again, every year, if we could.
Opening ceremonies, presentation of the something-or-other, very military, very
Scottish; Vicki adds that it is the presentation of a wee I
could have missed this is puzzling...

Entry of the massed pipes and drums, 250 strong, "Scotland the Brave," a real

The German band, mit beer hall maidens putsching und schoving (Beer hall putsch;
look it up) 

The steel drum band from Trinidad

The French doing the can-can

Pretty incredible: the marching violin band Hjaltibonhoga from the Shetlands

Personal favorite, always: New Zealand; note lighting on castle walls...rivals
the best we saw at D-Land a few months before

They march and play, conventionally, and then do a haka, always the biggest
crowd-pleaser; see Vicki's interesting side-ways take below...

Massed bands

Now I've seen everything: a marching bassoon (saw marching oboes in Spain
in 2017)


The Lone Piper
How much longer, one wonders: Scotland voted overwhelmingly to Remain
and may well leave the Union in order to stay in the EU; thus also Northern

Maybe Little England and Wales can keep the colors

Scotland the Brave

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