Saturday, May 6, 2023

Rijksmuseum, 2023

Thus edified by all the little genre paintings and tronies, we had lunch at the museum cafe and then headed back to see a number of old friends, starting with the special collections and the engraved and stippled glass that is so remarkable. Then it was off to see the paintings, the biggies, the Hall of Honor, etc., as we have done and blogged about many times before. Accordingly, I will leave identifying the various paintings below as a homework assignment. Hint: Google Lens.

Vicki had a nice soup and I had a trout rillette, but
the only thing that got pictured was my mint tea;
I'm not much of a tea drinker, especially of non-tea
teas, but if there's a better mint tea than the one
the Rijksmuseum cafe serves, I'd like to know about

In a glass enclosure by itself, undergoing photographic and other
analysis prior to restoration

When we first came to Amsterdam and the Rijksmuseum
in 1979, Rembrandt was the thing; except for Night
Watch, he doesn't get that much prominence nowadays

Love this guy

Could be a Caravaggio

Sic transit, Gloria

Still my favorite among the large formats

1 comment:

Tawana said...

Such a great museum! Nice tea!