Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Paris Out-Takes, 2023: Part The First

It's a tribute to the place that after only a week I had this many out-takes already...

En route to Paris: a Schipol passenger trying to leave
Amsterdam, having realized it's House of Orange and
not House of Blue

Near our apartment: revered by English departments
everywhere and philosophy department nowhere,
it was Derrida who, among other things, famously
said that Disneyworld was the only authentic place
in the USA (or maybe Baudrillard; or Lacan...)

In a store window near Luxembourg Garden

Organization of United Burgers

Morning wash of the sidewalks

Outside the Lizst Institute

Hobbit macaroons, said by respected bakers to be
quite good

Also pizza, burgers, doner kabob...

Last chance for Amorino...we once thought them to
be the best, but quality has seriously declined in recent

One of our neighbors practicing his swing

Today's caryatids...actually there were eight on this corner building

Power parking outside the Hotel Lutetia

Among several monkey puzzle trees in a park outside
the Bon Marche

Why do they paint them like this?

Arcimboldo would have been proud

Aging boeuf at the Grand Epicerie de Paris

And Bresse chickens, too, Vicki's favorite (suitably decapitated)

I've searched all over New Zealand and the
US for rillettes...even plain ones...next time
I'll just come to the Grand Epicerie

Eye glass fashions

Another of our neighbors

Where I sometimes go to practice my Duolingo (I'm on
a 492 day streak)

Still processing...

Just about any side street has a great view...here,
the Pantheon

"Helluva' party," episode 13,528

Our first movie-making scene in Paris for 2023

Apparently it's a "take five" moment for the crew

Parisian tiki bar, Montparnasse

Murals and such on almost any blank wall

Bee lodging at Luxembourg Garden

1 comment:

Tawana said...

I read an article recently about urban beekeeping hurting the wild bee population because there are not enough flowers for all of them.