Saturday, May 6, 2023

Keukenhof, 2023

This year's Keukenhof, the annual spring-time showcasing of tulips and other flowers, was just as spectacular as we'd remembered without further ado...

The "I Amersterdam" sign used to be on Museumsplein in the city,
but there were too many tourists crawling all over it for photos, and
too many injuries, so it's now at Schiphol, the airport, where it gets
rather less attention; oh, to get to Keukenhof, we took the special bus
from Schiphol 

En route

Us, there

Sans us

It's not just tulips, although 99% of it is; here, the
azaleas are going really strong in the background;
yes, we acknowledge that azaleas are really just
very small rhododendrons

It is King's Day--the king's birthday, a major holiday
in the Netherlands--and we're going to see a lot of
orange (House of Orange, get it?)

I did this in 2016...J'ai ete la-bas; j'ai fait ca

Among the king's loyal subjects

The extensive rhodos also are coming on; perfect time to be here

Another of the king's loyal subjects; but look left
of her shoes and you'll see a pink erratic: every year
they uproot all of Keukenhof's 87 gazillion bulbs
and then plant the next year's models...but this one

1 comment:

Tawana said...

How very beautiful!