Thursday, October 20, 2022

Kunsthistorischemuseum, 2022: The Out-Takes

Great party until the guy on the left started puking...

Is this an orgy? See below

Click to enlarge

Every room in the KHM has busts of famous persons...this is
Buffalo Bill Cody

Mark Twain; he probably really did visit the KHM...

Sadly, the KHM has only 2% of the world's known Rembrandt

So we're in the stately and glittering restaurant in
the great art museum...

And they bring me this unimaginative least they
could have done a couple mustard eyes, a bread nose, a horseradish
moustache...something Arcimboldo might have appreciated...
wait! maybe it's a Picasso rendering...

Actual Canaletto of dry land, no waters, no boats

"Jerome, for the last time, please put on some clothes
when you're translating the Word of God!"

"Let's all put ribbons in our hair!"

"You said it, man, nobody fucks with the Jesus"

"It says here you fucked with the Jesus" "Yeah? Well,
you know, that's just like, uh, your opinion, man"

"You can look but you can't touch!"

Companion to the van Veen above; definitely not an orgy; see below

Interesting guy, van Veen; 16th-17th century humanist/painter;
very influential; Rubens' teacher, no less

Attempted artsy-fartsy

Ever popular Anne Boleyn
Trying for a selfie against the ceiling...

1 comment:

Tawana said...

Your Out-Takes are always wonderful!