Sunday, October 30, 2022


"...a form of ugliness so absolutely unbearable that we have to alter it every six months," according to Oscar Wilde. Residing however briefly in the various capitals we have visited recently has provided ample opportunity to observe fashion, changes in fashion, and so on. We are not students of fashion nor do we have nor do anything that anyone would describe as fashionable. It's not possible to see the things we have seen, however, and not comment. So here, in a few pix, are some of the extraordinary things, loosely described as fashion, we have seen the past few weeks, in Vienna.

Beam me up

Sleeveless is quite the thing, although we are not sure
whether it is this year or was last year

Eyes and lips...

"No fotos"

In time, everything comes back...except leisure
suits; yes, now a man of leisure, I am bitter

Fashion croakies

Puffy fuzzy look

Everything meant to unravel

Nothing hemmed

Sculpture installation right in the middle of Graben, Vienna's most 
fashionable shopping district

[Click to enlarge] The quote from Brecht is especially interesting

Another sleeveless wonder

Crop-top puffy jacket

Shoes made from Middle Eastern rugs

And boots

Monty Python sock set

Moon Boots and imitations are popular here

Backdrop not included



1 comment:

Tawana said...

Fun to look at, but nothing I would want to wear.