Monday, July 16, 2012

Berlin: Gemaldegalerie

We visited the Gemaldegalerie in 2009 and were impressed, though not overwhelmed. At that point we hadn't seen a great number of European museums and certainly hadn't read or seen much European art history. This time I was more impressed. I'm posting just a few favorites and others, probably omitting many more famous works. Despite plundering and looting by the Russians, it is very much a fine museum and world class as far as I can imagine.   
Jan van Eyck, The Madonna in the Church,
1440; incredible church depiction for that
time; PS[2023]...of course anything by van Eyck
is incredible

Lucas Cranach, Fountain of Youth, 1546

Cranach, Altar with Last Judgment (said to be a copy of
a lost Bosch), 1524

Peter Bruegel the Elder, Netherlandish Proverbs, 1559

Rembrandt's Moses and 10 Commandments

Jan Steen, As the Old Sing, So Do the Young (um, my
translation), 1663

Vermeer, The Wine Glass, 1662


Masaccio, roundel, late 1420s

Botticelli, Profile of a Young Woman, 1465

Botticelli, Maria mit Kind, 1477 (looks like a sad Venus mit
Kind to me)

Botticelli, Venus, no date, the great Birth of

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