Monday, November 16, 2009

Wells Cathedral

Working our way back east, we stopped in Wells, did a
marvelous cathedral tour, walked the town, then headed on
toward Avebury, detouring by Bath in search of an internet
signal. We stopped at a quite decent lay-by about 4 miles
from Avebury. To us, Wells was far more interesting on
the inside than the outside, and I'll have to add another
post to do it justice. If a cathedral can be fun, Wells is a
fun cathedral.

Wells Cathedral is best known for its west
facade, marvelous and pretty much intact
sculpture. Oh yes, there's a bishop's
palace, the old city itself, smallest cathedral
city in England, is beautiful

Interior, looking up at the crossing ceiling, 10 or more
stories above, and organ; I'll have more on the crossing
in the next post...another extraordinary 14th century
cathedral repair job

Apse ceiling

West window

Choir, beautiful textile work, wonderful

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