Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Morse Museum of American Art, 2

Continuing our visit to the Morse Museum in Winter Park...

Name your decorative art genre, Tiffany probably did it

How much of the collection got here: a fire at the Tiffany
estate in Long Island, long after Tiffany's death...Florida enthusiasts
and collectors to the rescue...one of the great stories of art
recovery and restoration...

Recreation from the estate

Not least, a beautiful ceiling

Vicki shooting the clocks: day of the week, time, date...perfect for retirees

He painted too

Tiffany rain chains

Among the historical exhibits...Tiffany fit right in with
the Art Nouveau, as promoted by Siegfried Bing's L'Art Nouveau
shoppe in Paris; Paris 1900 was the greatest gathering of art
in its time 

A beautiful rest area, fronting the museum's large central

Rebuilt intact, the great chapel from the 1893 Columbian
Exposition in Chicago; used for a time in the crypt of St.
John the Divine (Anglican) Cathedral, where, last fall, we
read of it and learned of the Morse Museum...

Exiting through the exceptional gift shoppe


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